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Top 2024 Wellness Trends

Top 2024 Wellness Trends

随着职场环境的不断变化,对员工健康的理解也在不断变化. In 2024, organizations are embracing innovative strategies to prioritize their workforce's physical, mental and financial health. While organizations may have already expanded their mental health support in past years, some are now pivoting and embracing a holistic approach to employee well-being.

1. Supporting Employee Burnout

Employers shouldn’t expect employee burnout to disappear anytime soon. A 2024 trends report from wellness portal provider MediKeeper notes that toxic workplaces, long hours, understaffing, lack of recognition, 人际冲突和不明确或莫名其妙的工作场所政策是导致员工倦怠的原因. As such, organizations may prioritize strategies to prevent and alleviate burnout. Flexible work arrangements, 实施切合实际的工作量预期和指定的停机时间,以帮助员工保持健康的工作与生活平衡. Moreover, 公司可以鼓励开放的沟通渠道,让员工表达自己的担忧,并在需要时寻求支持.

On a related note, 许多雇主将在2024年重新关注心理健康,因为他们认识到心理健康对员工整体幸福感的影响. Employee assistance programs (EAPs), 咨询服务和压力管理研讨会正日益成为工作场所健康倡议的关键组成部分. More employers are also investing resources to destigmatize the topic of mental health (e.g., anti-stigma campaigns, 心理健康素养培训和eap),并培养一种员工可以放心寻求心理健康支持的文化.

2. Integrating Technology

技术进步将塑造一个新的员工健康格局,其中包括数字健康平台, wearable technology and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. 越来越多的雇主将探索这些类型的技术,以了解如何将它们整合到健康或以员工为中心的项目中.

Technology can enable real-time health monitoring, personalized wellness plans and immediate 24/7 access to health resources and services. Virtual health platforms can help overcome barriers to health care access. In 2024, apps are expected to go beyond fitness tracking and feature mindfulness exercises, nutritional guidance and personalized wellness plans. Despite their limitations, 人工智能驱动的方法有可能促进预防性保健并发现或管理健康问题. 个性化数据可以让员工更好地了解自己的健康状况,并对自己的健康或生活方式做出明智的决定. 雇主们正在利用技术来定制和改善员工的幸福体验.

3. Expanding Financial Wellness Programs

对员工来说,金钱是最大的压力源,而整个2023年持续的通胀压力加剧了这种担忧. Financial stress can significantly impact an individual's mental and emotional health. In 2024, 雇主应该扩大他们的健康计划,包括金融教育和支持,以帮助建立一个更安全和稳定的员工队伍.


  • Building an emergency savings
  • Navigating cashflow changes
  • Managing debt
  • Choosing proper health insurance and benefits
  • Preparing for significant life events
  • Saving for retirement

Many organizations employ a multigenerational workforce, which means employees often face unique financial stressors. To provide relief, 有些雇主会提供复杂程度不一的财务健康计划,但可以包括虚拟的个人财务规划会议, tuition reimbursement and seminars. EAPs can also help employees navigate financial challenges. The idea is to provide a wide variety of services for the workforce. 雇主可以通过探索财务健康资源和支持选项,并为现有和潜在员工提供有吸引力的计划,来帮助减轻员工的财务压力. Financial wellness is a critical component of well-being and can be a competitive offering.

4. Taking a Holistic Approach to Wellness

The days of compartmentalizing physical, mental and emotional well-being are over. In 2024, organizations are adopting a holistic approach that considers the entire employee. For example, holistic wellness programs encompass nutrition, fitness, mental health and stress management. 一个综合的方法旨在创造一个工作环境,培养员工的福祉的各个方面, fostering a sense of balance and resilience.

This renewed focus on holistic wellness is not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how companies approach employee care. Organizations can create a supportive culture that encourages education, 通过在健康和保健举措中优先考虑心理和财务健康,公开对话和利用现有资源.

5. Cultivating a Company Culture of Care

也许最具变革性的趋势是在组织内部有意识地培养一种关怀文化. This goes beyond workplace policies and programs; it's about fostering an environment where employees feel seen, heard, valued and supported. Team-building activities, 以同理心和情商为重点的指导项目和领导力培训正在成为组织努力的组成部分.

Additionally, psychological safety is a growing priority for employers. 心理安全意味着员工在谈话时感到安全,在他人面前表现得脆弱. Organizations benefit when employees feel comfortable asking for help, sharing ideas or challenging the status quo without fear of negative consequences. Leaders play an essential role in nurturing psychological safety in the workplace, so it starts at the top. 雇主可以通过反思领导风格来营造一个心理安全的工作环境, accommodating dispersed employees and demonstrating concern for employees. Employee wellness initiatives play perfectly into this. 雇主可以主动对员工和管理人员进行心理安全方面的培训,以提高认识,并教授支持性行为和做法,促进对健康和保健主题的信任和透明度(例如.g., burnout and stress). 记住,心理安全感是一个关键的工作动力,它需要时间来建立,但只需瞬间就可以摧毁. 归根结底,雇主要为公开反馈和对话创造机会,这样员工才能在工作环境中做自己.


Employee wellness is taking center stage in 2024, with organizations recognizing the interconnected nature of physical, mental and financial health. More employers are paving the way for a holistic approach to workplace wellbeing. As these trends evolve, 员工可以期待一个更加支持和培育的工作环境,重视他们的整体健康和幸福.

组织可以从评估当前的健康计划开始,并考虑如何改进它们. To ensure offerings and investments resonate with the workforce, 首先对员工进行调查,看看他们认为对他们的整体福祉最有价值和必要的是什么,这可能会有所帮助. Contact us for more for more wellness-related workplace guidance.

本福利洞察并非详尽无遗,任何讨论或意见也不应被视为专业建议. © 2024 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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