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Workers’ compensation expenses are determined by a wide range of factors; however, one of the most significant cost components in any workers’ compensation system is claims history. 具体地说, 索赔的频率和严重程度的增加会加剧总损失并提高保费. 记住这一点, it’s important for employers to take steps to mitigate workers’ compensation claims and keep related costs under control. 这就是重返工作岗位(RTW)计划可以提供帮助的地方.  

These programs are intended to help support employees as they reintegrate back into the workforce after getting sick or hurt on the job. RTW项目可能需要让受伤的员工缩短工作时间重返工作岗位, 当他们恢复时,较轻的工作量或不同的任务(也称为过渡职责). RTW项目提供了几个好处, giving injured employees the opportunity to resume working even when they aren’t ready to take on their original job duties. 反过来, these programs can allow employers to better assist their staff after occupational illnesses and injuries while reducing the overall complexity of associated workers’ compensation claims. 本文提供了更多美高美集团4688RTW计划如何影响工人赔偿费用的细节


Workers’ compensation insurance includes coverage for medical costs and wage replacement expenses (also called indemnity benefits). RTW programs allow employers to help injured employees safely transition back into their roles rather than force them to remain absent from work for the entirety of their recovery, 从而减少了对赔偿福利的需求.

换句话说, allowing injured employees to reenter the workforce faster and engage in transitional duties while they continue to heal can help employers simplify related workers’ compensation claims. 事实上, industry experts reported that RTW programs can help reduce total workers’ compensation claim values by as much as 70% due to fewer indemnity benefits. 除了限制工资替代费用, RTW programs can also assist employers in simplifying the claims process by ensuring injured workers feel appreciated and stay positive amid recovery. Such attitudes can reduce the risk of employees experiencing a lack of support as they navigate their injuries, motivating them to resume work as quickly as possible and minimizing the likelihood of prolonged claims or possible litigation issues


The experience modification factor (EMF) plays a major role in the cost of workers’ compensation premiums. This figure represents an employer’s workers’ compensation claims history compared to other businesses of a similar size in the same industry. It is determined based on a formula set by the National Council on Compensation Insurance or state-specific rating bureaus, 取决于雇主的管辖权.

平均EMF为1.0. 如果企业的EMF超过1.这意味着它的索赔历史高于同行的平均水平. 另一方面,低于1的电动势.0表示该企业的索赔历史低于同行.

保持电磁场低于1.0允许雇主从减少的工人补偿保费中受益. Since RTW programs can help improve injured employees’ recovery outcomes and ease them back into the workforce in a timely manner, employers with these programs in place will be better positioned to have ideal workers’ compensation claims history and, 随后, 比那些没有这样项目的人更低的电磁场. This stems from the idea that employers generally cover injured employees’ salaries once they return to work rather than having insurers provide such compensation, 最终降低索赔成本, 改善emf和增加公司储蓄.

It’s worth noting that although the EMF calculation considers both the frequency and severity of an employer’s workers’ compensation claims, frequency generally carries more weight than severity; multiple claims may indicate poor workplace safety procedures and carry a higher likelihood of additional claims moving forward. 通过实施RTW计划, 随着时间的推移,雇主将能够更好地发现潜在的事故和伤害模式, 允许根据需要调整工作场所的安全措施. 这样做的时候, 雇主可以采取必要的措施来防止未来的事故和伤害, therefore reducing overall workers’ compensation claims frequency and paving the way for lower EMFs and premiums.


而电磁场对工人补偿保费的计算有很大贡献, 在进行这些计算时,承销商还会考虑其他几个因素. 特别是, 保险公司通常会审查雇主的工作场所安全政策, 程序和相关文件. This information can help underwriters determine whether employers make it a priority to protect their workers from potential hazards on the job and support them amid occupational illnesses and injuries.

有了RTW计划, employers can demonstrate a clear commitment to workplace safety and showcase their dedication to helping injured employees successfully navigate the recovery process. That’s why underwriters often view these programs as a signal of reduced workers’ compensation exposures. 结果是, it’s best for employers to include their written RTW programs within any workplace safety documentation they provide to underwriters. This will help underwriters better evaluate employers’ workers’ compensation risks and increase the likelihood of lower premiums.

随着劳动力特征和职业安全危害的演变, 雇主的环球旅行计划也应该效仿. 修改或以其他方式更新其程序, employers can share these changes with underwriters to emphasize their ongoing commitment to workplace safety and continue benefiting from more accurate risk evaluations and reduced workers’ compensation premiums.


在任何工人补偿制度中,RTW计划都是必不可少的. 通过制定有效的计划, employers can help limit the fallout from occupational illnesses and injuries as well as minimize overall workers’ compensation exposures, 索赔费用和保险费.


This 工作对比 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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