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过得好, Work Well - 1月 2024

过得好, Work Well - 1月 2024 - How to Make-and Keep-Your New Year’s Resolution - As a new year begins, you may be reflecting on the past year. 这种自省是选择New的重要的第一步...


HR Insights: 8 Tips for Modernizing Hiring in 2024

8 Tips for Modernizing Hiring in 2024 - As talent acquisition continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for organizations aiming to attract and retain top-tier talent. 去年劳动重点...


Legal Update: OSHA’s Safety and Health Bulletin on Safety Helmets in the Workplace

OSHA’s Safety and Health Bulletin on Safety Helmets in the Workplace - On Nov. 22,2023年,OSHA提供了一个 Safety and Health Information Bulletin (SHIB) on the use of safety helmets in the workplace. SHIB提供...


法律更新:OSHA表格300A发布要求从2月1日开始. 1

OSHA表格300A Posting Requirements Begin 2月. 1 - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers subject to its recordkeeping requirements to post copies of their OSHA表格300A 之间的 2月....


News Brief: 工作场所死亡人数上升5人.7% According to Bureau of Labor Statistics

工作场所死亡人数上升5人.7% According to Bureau of Labor Statistics - The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently 发布 2022年全国致命职业伤害普查. 人口普查,这代表...


News Brief: House Passes Bipartisan Act to Lower Health Care Costs and Increase Price Transparency

House Passes Bipartisan Act to Lower Health Care Costs and Increase Price Transparency - On Dec. 2023年11月,美国.S. House of Representatives passed landmark bipartisan legislation to lower the cost of health care and...


2024 Workers’ Compensation Insurance Market Outlook

- 2024 Workers’ Compensation Insurance Market Outlook - Profitable underwriting results have generated favorable conditions across the workers’ compensation insurance segment for nearly a decade. 根据...


Mental Health Minute - 1月 2024

心理健康一分钟- 2024年1月-清洁的心理健康益处, 有条理的空间——如果你正在与季节性情感障碍作斗争, 焦虑, depression or other mental health issues, 保持家里整洁...
